Ultrasonic Or Hand Tools – Which is good
to clean the Teeth? - Dental Clinic in Alwarpet, Chennai
The periodontal disease affect you teeth due to the reason
of form of dental plaque. It forms the white film named biofilm, after it
affects your teeth. Those are not removed on brushing time. Because these
pockets are settled into separation of teeth and it close gums. That plaque
hardness into pledges called as calculus or tartar. The main goal of cleaning
your tooth frequently by well professional dentist in Alwarpet is to clean affected plaque and calculus. The cleaning term is
called as scaling. The scaling has been done in two ways. One is with the help
of hand held and or by using ultrasonic power scalars.
Let’s see one by one
Power Scalars
How it’s Work: Power scalar is a kind of electrical
instrument that uses the power of ultrasonic vibration to eradicate the
deposits plaque in the teeth. This tool will make some shocks to unsettle the
plaque cells. The advantage of using these tools is wash and flushes the deposits
of pockets and showing the surface of the root with water. Most of the dental clinic in Adyar use this tool to clean the tartar effectively.
Advantage of Using
this Tool: These tools are very effective to use and easy way to remove
plaque and calculus from your teeth when it is more than 4mm. It is more
sufficient to remove calculus from surface of the root. The tips used in this
machine enter deeper into pockets of the dental compared using hand tools and
that more comfortable to use pediatric dentist as well as patients. And this
tool consumes very less time to remove calculus from teeth.
Disadvantage of using
this Tool:
The dentist must need to wear protective equipment. It is
not good and difficult to use while the surface of the root is very soft. This tool
is not suitable for who all having hear problems.
Conventional Hand Held Tools
How it work:
These hand tools will be handled by only who has complete
knowledge of how to use that and remove the tartar from tooth.
Advantage: This is also more effective to use compared to
ultrasonic tool to remove the tartar from teeth. This is suitable for all kind
of people and also not affects the heart pacemakers. It is very easy to use on
teeth anywhere to remove calculus.
Disadvantage: This
will consumes more time to clean and you will feel sometime it is not
comfortable to you.