30 October 2017

Dental Clinic in Mylapore

SR Dental Clinic in Mylapore

Stop Masking Bad Breath

Bad Breath medicinally referred to as Halitosis can be characterized as disagreeable smell originating from the mouth. It might be intermittent and infrequently be unending.

Signs of Bad Breath

  •          Dry Mouth
  •          Un-cleaned tongue
  •          No taste in Mouth.
     This may be affected by bad dental condition and hygiene or other health issues.

Cause of Bad Breath

  •          Bad Foods and odors
  •          Smoking
  •          Medical Issue
  •          Teeth Problems
  •         Medical issues related with Bad Breath

SR Dental Clinic is one of the reputed dental clinic in Mylapore and Adyar offer excellent care treatment for bad breath.

The main reason of affect by Bad Breath problem, those are

  •          Kidney Problems,
  •          Liver Problems,
  •          Acid Reflux,
  •          Pneumonia

Steps to prevent Bad Breathing

  • Practice great oral cleanliness: Brush twice every day and furthermore clean your tongue too.
  • Quit smoking and biting tobacco items
  • Drink part of water, this will beat dry mouth
  • Counsel a dental specialist no less than twice in a year.

SR Dental hospital in Mylapore provide excellent advanced dental care treatment by more than 20 years experienced dentist in Alwarpet Dr. Ranjani Iyer. 

25 September 2017

Caring of my Teeth – Dental Caring With Best Dentist in Alwarpet

Why my tooth is much important?

Your teeth differed fit as a shape and size contingent upon where they are in your mouth. These distinctions enable the tooth to do a wide range of works. Teeth support us to bite and process nourishment. They support us to chat, and to articulate diverse sounds unmistakably. At last, teeth support to give our face its figure. Teeth offering healthy smile can be an extraordinary resource; and the fact that this is so imperative, it bodes well to give your teeth the most ideal care. Our Dentist in Alwarpet providing best dental care treatment at best cost in Chennai compared to other dental clinic.  

The Problems with Tooth may?

Tooth rot can be hurting and reason to fillings, crowns or trims. If your tooth decay problem is not cured, the nerve of the tooth can wind up plainly tainted and pass away, causing an ulcer. At this situation needs to take care with root canal treatment or need to remove the affected tooth. Our Dental Clinic in Alwarpet dental specialist suggested taking immediate action if you are affected with tooth decay.

So, need to keep your tooth and gum healthy on daily routine life is much important. Gum sickness is normal and, if left untreated, may prompt bone misfortune around the teeth. Sometimes it might prompt to lose the teeth and teeth being lost. Gum disorder is preventable. It can be dealt with and monitored with normal cleaning sessions and checkup, averting further issues. On the off chance that teeth are lost, it might be important to fill the holes with scaffolds, dentures or inserts.

Way to keep teeth and Gum Healthy?

The process of keep teeth and gum is very easy, and keep it that way. A basic routine can help inhibit most dental issues:

  •          Brushing your teeth last thing during the evening and no less than one other time amid the day, with a fluoride toothpaste
  •          Scrubbing between the teeth with 'interdental' brushes or floss in once every day
  •          Great dietary patterns - having sugary sustenance and beverages less frequently, and
  •          Standard dental Checkups.

Majority of the people brush consistently, but many of them don't clean between their teeth and a few people don't have general dental checkup. A little change in your day by day routine can have a major effect in the long term. Our pediatric dentist in Alwarpet suggests you to do this regular process to keep your gums and teeth healthy. 

Source:  Daily Dental Care

15 June 2017

What is Dental Cleaning and How it is done

Ultrasonic Or Hand Tools – Which is good to clean the Teeth? - Dental Clinic in Alwarpet, Chennai

The periodontal disease affect you teeth due to the reason of form of dental plaque. It forms the white film named biofilm, after it affects your teeth. Those are not removed on brushing time. Because these pockets are settled into separation of teeth and it close gums. That plaque hardness into pledges called as calculus or tartar. The main goal of cleaning your tooth frequently by well professional dentist in Alwarpet is to clean affected plaque and calculus. The cleaning term is called as scaling. The scaling has been done in two ways. One is with the help of hand held and or by using ultrasonic power scalars.

Let’s see one by one

Power Scalars

How it’s Work: Power scalar is a kind of electrical instrument that uses the power of ultrasonic vibration to eradicate the deposits plaque in the teeth. This tool will make some shocks to unsettle the plaque cells. The advantage of using these tools is wash and flushes the deposits of pockets and showing the surface of the root with water. Most of the dental clinic in Adyar use this tool to clean the tartar effectively. 

Advantage of Using this Tool: These tools are very effective to use and easy way to remove plaque and calculus from your teeth when it is more than 4mm. It is more sufficient to remove calculus from surface of the root. The tips used in this machine enter deeper into pockets of the dental compared using hand tools and that more comfortable to use pediatric dentist as well as patients. And this tool consumes very less time to remove calculus from teeth.

Disadvantage of using this Tool:

The dentist must need to wear protective equipment. It is not good and difficult to use while the surface of the root is very soft. This tool is not suitable for who all having hear problems.

Conventional Hand Held Tools

How it work:

These hand tools will be handled by only who has complete knowledge of how to use that and remove the tartar from tooth.

Advantage:  This is also more effective to use compared to ultrasonic tool to remove the tartar from teeth. This is suitable for all kind of people and also not affects the heart pacemakers. It is very easy to use on teeth anywhere to remove calculus.

Disadvantage: This will consumes more time to clean and you will feel sometime it is not comfortable to you. 

8 June 2017

what is Dental Whitening and How it is done?

What is Dental Whitening? How it is done?

The process of whitening the dental is to brighten the teeth with remove the stains and discoloration. Dental whitening is one of the famous cosmetic dental processes, because it helps to improve the look of your tooth. Most of the dental hospitals in Mylapore do the dental whitening at best cost.

Dental whitening is not the one time process; you have to do repeatedly when you need your teeth more white color.

How it is done?

The enamel – This is called as outer layer of teeth. The shade of normal teeth is made by the reflection and scrambling of light off the finish, joined with the shade of the dentin under it. The enamel softness and width affect by your genes only. Smaller enamel permits more color of the dentine to reflect through. While having softer and hardest enamel that affects reflect of the light and its color.

Consistently, a thin covering (pellicle) shapes on the polish and gets stains. Tooth lacquer likewise contains pores that can hold stains.

The reasons for teeth will yellow and stained:

  • Using of tobacco
  • Regularly used dark colored cool drinks
  • And not provide much care to tooth.

There is also conceivable to have recolors inside the tooth. That is called as natural stains. For instance, inherent stains can be brought on by introduction to excessively fluoride as a youngster while teeth are creating. Different causes incorporate antibiotic medication anti-infection agents. They can recolor a tyke's teeth if taken by a mother amid the second 50% of pregnancy or by a kid who is 8 years of age or more youthful. Tooth is as yet creating amid these years. Injury may likewise obscure a tooth.

There are two types of Teeth Whitening method is available.

Vital Whitening:

The process of this vital whitening is applying the gel which is directly to the surface of the teeth. This type of dental whitening involves kind of hydrogen peroxide.

Non Vital Whitening:  

This process includes, put a brightening specialist inside the tooth and put an impermanent filling over it. The tooth will be left along these lines for a few days. You may require this done just once, or it can be rehashed until the tooth achieves the coveted shade.

If you want to do dental whitening and searching for best dental clinic in Adyar, there is lot of dentist are help you to get regular dental whitening treatment at best price. 

29 May 2017

What is Root Canal Treatment

What is root canal Treatment?

Generally that root canal treatment refers provides treatment for severe damaged and infected teeth. The process of this root canal treatment contains first have to remove the infected teeth and need to clean and sanitizing, next have to fill and seal with new teeth. Dental clinic in adyar, most the dental specialist in adyar provides best dental root canal treatment. Particularly SR dental clinic in Adyar provides excellent solution and care for your dental problems.

The most common reason is the broken tooth create the problem and also with deep cavity. The word “Root Canal” represents the clean the canal deep inside of the teeth roots.

Process getting involved in Root canal Treatment

Do you think you require root canal treatment? First you have to consult with your near best dentist in Adyar. If your dentist confirm, you need root canal treatment have to follow some steps to get treatment.

X-Ray:  If your dentist confirm, you require root canal treatment, first your dentist will suggest taking x-ray. It is help to detect where the damages teeth is located.

Anesthesia: Then, affected teeth treated by local anesthesia. Root canal treatment is not have much painful than filling. Your dentist will remove the damaged teeth and fill new teeth with simple procedure involved in this treatment.

Pulpectomy: It is the first opening made and the ailing teeth pulp is removed.

Filling: The opened root canal has been filled with gutta-percha material and then it is packed with cement. The filling will be continuing up to when the teeth receive the fixed crown. The crown also called as Cap. It is looks like the real teeth. And it is fixing on the top of the teeth.

 The Crown Fixing: After that, that crown will be fixed over the cemented place.